Battling rope double wave split jacks present another demanding full-body movement that effectively challenges the cardiovascular system. Due to its high intensity, it is advisable to perform short sets with frequent periods of rest.
Teaching Points:
1. Grasp the battle rope with a handshake grip, holding the ends of the rope without excessive tightness to prevent forearm fatigue.
2. Assume the split stance position with your legs apart to begin the movement.
3. Propel your arms explosively upward to shoulder height, then swiftly slam the rope towards the floor while simultaneously propelling your back foot forward and front foot backward.
4. Land softly on the floor with both feet.
5. Execute two waves for each split jack.
Common Problems and Solutions:
Problem: Landing heavily after the jump.
Solution: Be like a spring and absorb the force, aiming to land softly to reduce impact and stress on the body.