Battle Rope Diagonal Chops


The battle rope diagonal chops exercise replicates the motion of chopping wood and effectively enhances rotational and anti-rotational core strength. As humans are naturally designed to move on two feet, this exercise complements our body’s natural movements.

Teaching Points:

1. Hold the battle rope with a handshake grip, grasping the ends of the rope.
2. Slightly hinge at the hips, maintain a neutral spine, engage your core, and keep your eyes fixed on the anchor point.
3. Drive the rope upwards at a 45-degree angle to shoulder level, then forcefully slam the ropes towards the floor following the same diagonal path.
4. Perform the exercise for a specific duration or number of repetitions, and then repeat on the other side.
5. Coordinate your breath with the movement to establish a steady rhythm.

Common Problems and Solutions:

Problem: Leaning forward.
Solution: Aim to keep the torso as vertical as possible. Maintain a proud chest with packed and retracted shoulders to avoid leaning forward during the exercise.

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