Battle Rope Freestyle Waves

Battle rope training offers the freedom to use your hands in various directions to perform waves. Freestyle Waves are similar to alternating waves, except that your arms move sideways in opposing directions.

Teaching Points:

1. Grasp the battle rope by the ends with a handshake grip, ensuring not to grip too tightly to avoid forearm fatigue.
2. Slightly hinge at the hips, maintain a neutral spine, engage your core, and keep your eyes fixed on the anchor point.
3. Drive one end of the rope upwards to shoulder level while simultaneously driving the other arm downwards towards the floor at hip level.
4. Move your arms in opposing directions sideways, away from the midline, and then bring them back together again.
5. Coordinate your breath with the movement to establish a smooth rhythm.

Common Problems and Solutions:

Problem: Slouching the shoulders forward.
Solution: Keep your chest lifted and maintain retracted and packed shoulders. This will prevent slouching and ensure proper form during the exercise.

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